External information about us


On the following page you will find links to publications in various media such as trade journals in the field of sanitary, heating and air conditioning. Together with the respective media, we at SEVentilation provide valuable and worthwhile information on the subject of ventilation, decentralised ventilation / decentralised ventilation systems. Furthermore, important standards such as DIN 1946-6 or regulations such as the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV [German]) are also discussed. Behind the respective publications, the content of the article is briefly listed again in bullet points.

Publications in the magazine “shk report” of the report-krammer group

Here you will find links to the magazine “SHK Report” and the articles published in it:

SHK Report issue 10/2018 (page 24-25): Controlled decentralised ventilation – easy to install, low-maintenance, energy-efficient and DIBt-approved.
Link: http://www.shkreport.de (Source: Report-Krammer Group)

Contents of the article:

  • DIBt approval provides safety
  • High heat recovery with low installation and operating costs
  • Decentralised ventilation with F7 filter
  • Ventilate 2 rooms with heat and moisture recovery
  • Ventilation of internal extract air rooms according to DIN 18017-3
  • Consultation, service and planning

Publications in the magazine “moderne gebäudetechnik” of huss-medien gmbh

Here you will find links to the magazine “Moderne Gebäudetechnik” and the articles published in it:

Moderne Gebäudetechnik issue 5/2018 (page 44-45): Controlled residential ventilation – decentralised.
Link: https://www.tga-praxis.de/heftarchiv/moderne-gebaeudetechnik-52018 (Source: HUSS-MEDIEN GmbH)

Contents of the article:

  • Easy installation and tool-free maintenance
  • Sound insulation as a decisive criterion
  • Decentralised ventilation with F7 filter
  • Energy-efficient individual room ventilation
  • Decentralised ventilation with enthalpy heat exchanger and second room connection
  • Dew point controlled ventilation

Publications in the magazine “heizungsjournal” of heizungs-journal verlags-gmbh

Here you will find links to the magazine “Heizungs-Journal” and the articles published in it:

Heizungs-Journal issue 12 December 2018 (page 46-47): Object-related and moisture-controlled – solutions for effective and controlled basement ventilation.
Link: https://www.heizungsjournal.de (Source: Heizungs-Journal Verlags-GmbH)

Contents of the article:

  • Requirements for controlled cellar ventilation
  • Dew point – the measure of all things in cellar ventilation
  • Decentralised cellar ventilation with WRG
  • Decentralised cellar ventilation without WRG
  • Central cellar ventilation with WRG
  • Radon problems in basements

Heizungs-Journal issue 7/8 July/August 2018 (pages 64-65): Flexible ventilation – decentralised and low-noise solutions in demand.

Contents of the article:

  • Flexible single-room ventilation units
  • Ventilation units with two-room connection
  • Window renovation and ventilation
  • Intelligent unfinished building supports for new buildings
  • Sound-insulated decentralised ventilation systems
  • Maximum external noise reduction with the SEVi 160PP “Premium Plus”.

Heizungs-Journal issue 11 November 2017 (pages 72-73): Decentralised, controlled ventilation – installation-friendly and low-maintenance solutions in demand.

Contents of the article:

  • Developments in the ventilation market
  • High flexibility thanks to modular design
  • Controls bring comfort
  • High heat recovery reduces energy costs
  • Dew-point ventilation control dehumidification of basement rooms
  • Heat and moisture recovery for two rooms
  • Ventilation of several rooms with one decentralised unit

Publications in the magazine “ddiv aktuell” of the umbrella association of german real estate managers e.v.

Here you will find links to the magazine “DDIV Aktuell” and the articles published in it:

DDIV Aktuell Issue 8 2017 (Page 22-23): New windows – less air? Do I need a controlled ventilation system after renovation? This question is asked by property managers as well as building owners and expert planners alike – and rightly so. Link: http://archiv.ddivaktuell.de (Source: Dachverband Deutscher Immobilienverwalter e.V.)

Contents of the article:

  • What does DIN 1946-6 require?
  • What remedies are available for challenges in the area of ventilation
  • Installation and maintenance of decentralised ventilation systems by SEVentilation
  • What options do I have for ventilating living spaces after window renovation?
  • New solutions for window renovation
  • Reduction of building energy demand through decentralised ventilation systems
  • Marketing advantages of installing decentralised ventilation systems

Publications in the magazine “si-magazin – das fachmagazin für shk-unternehmer” of at-fachverlag gmbh

Here you will find links to the magazine “Si-Magazin” and the articles published in it:

Si-Magazine issue 07 July 2017 (page 38): Controlled ventilation.

Link: https://www.si-shk.de/kontrolliertes-lueften/150/23485/354455 (Source: si-shk.de, AT-Fachverlag GmbH, Fachmagazin Si).

Contents of the article:

  • Modular design allows flexible use
  • Tool-free maintenance of decentralised ventilation units from SEVentilation
  • Simple, clear and optionally sensor-controlled operation
  • Simple individual room ventilation
  • Energy-efficient ventilation of extract air rooms with heat recovery

Targets of publications in the various media

With the above publications in the various media, we at SEVentilation GmbH try to create an awareness of the relevance and importance of ventilation systems. Furthermore, we also want to inform you about developments in the market for decentralised ventilation systems. The normative and legal bases and conditions are also presented in detail in the above publications.